A Day With Denver Gymnastics

confidence growth mindset mental game mindset resilience Dec 04, 2022

From start to finish, an absolutely epic day spent with @denver_gymnastics.

After speaking to the Women’s Collegiate Gymnastics Association @wcgagym in September, I had the privilege of connecting with University of Denver Head Coach @melissakutcher.

She is in her 25th season (yes, you read that correctly) and always looking for creative ways to give her team a competitive advantage in pursuit of a national championship.

Took me about 30 seconds to realize why she’s a NCAA National Coach of the Year - she’s passionate about her players, her school, and her sport. 

To be honest, when I heard the resources she already provides to her team - a nutritionist, athletic trainer, strength and conditioning coach, and a mental performance coach (a former Army aviator!) - I questioned what value I could bring to her team.

But Coach Kutcher was gracious enough to invite me out to Denver and carved out both morning and afternoon sessions for me to lead, sandwiched by an opportunity to observe her team’s practice, which was eye-opening.

For those who have never witnessed a really well-run college gymnastics practice, it reminded me of the most intense Nitro-Circus commercial with bodies flying everywhere. SUPER organized and efficient. Very impressive. 

I love working with teams and this team is special. I tailored my sessions to the team’s needs, which included:

âś…Art gallery exercise - quickly becoming one of my favorite team exercises

âś…Controlling the controllables


âś…Reset Ritual

âś…How our minds/bodies respond to pressure

âś…Thumb exercise

âś…Waves visualization

âś…How to overcome self-imposed limitations

âś…”If we’re going to win this year, we need you to….” feedback exercise

The last exercise might be the most powerful thing your program needs to do but has never done.

Shout out to Coach Kutcher, Associate Head Coach @linhawk13 and assistants @stephenhood @mia_sundstrom, and @marisa_sodden for an awesome experience!

Are YOU interested in taking YOUR program to the next level? Hit me up!

#leadership #mentalgame #mindset #mentalperformance #gymnastics #womensgymnastics

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